
Anjuum Khanna

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Anjuum Khanna – Winners and Losers of Union Budget 2021

Anjuum Khanna – Here are some sector-wise highlights that Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has promised an unprecedented Union budget aimed at buoying the economy. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the Budget proposals for this financial year rest on six pillars that is health and well-being, physical and financial capital and infrastructure, inclusive development for aspirational…

Anjuum Khanna – Whatsapp New Privacy Policy Update: Concerned about Privacy

Anjuum Khanna – Whatsapp new privacy updates says, “Just like your messages, WhatsApp calls are end-to-end encrypted so WhatsApp and third parties can’t listen to them.”  WhatsApp alerted users to a new privacy policy effective February 8, that expressly says that WhatsApp will share user data with its parent company Facebook. Users earlier had an opt-out…

Anjuum Khanna – A revolution in Business Process Automation | RPA

Anjuum Khanna – Business Process Automation is not Business Process Management. It is the Technology that helps to execute recurring tasks or processes in a business where manual effort can be replaced. Due to this it will help to minimize costs, increase efficiency, and streamline processes. Business Process automation is a straightforward and effective process…

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